Planning Board Minutes 10/28/2010
October 28, 2010

The meeting began with an affirmation of the Open Public Meetings Act.� The schedule of meetings is on file in the Borough Clerks� office, was posted on the bulletin board, and has been mailed to the Cranford Chronicle, the Kenilworth Leader, and the Star Ledger.� All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The Board approved the September 23, 2010 minutes.� Approval was given to pay the Recording Secretary.

Note:� Mr. Cammarota chaired this meeting, assisted by Mr. Tripodi.

Roll Call:� Present:, Mr. Sica, Mr. Pugliese, Mr. Cuppari, Mr. Manee, Mr. Murphy, and Mr. Cammarota.

Absent and excused: Mr. Lepore, Mr. Picerno, Ms. Bogus, and Mr. Pantina,

Communications:Ms. Bogus is absent.

Resolutions:�Application #315 & #5-10, �N J American Water Co., RE: Kenilworth Water Tank, Block 4, Lot 1.01.Variance and Site Plan Review.

Mr. O�Connor, Board Engineer, stated the clean-up of the water tank area and painting was completed by N J American Water.� This was a condition of approval.

A motion to approve this resolution was made by Mr. Sica, 2nd by Mr. Cuppari.� All in favor:� Mr. Pugliese, Mr. Sica, and Mr. Cuppari.

Application #7-10,� Metro PCS, NY, LLC, Owner: Bramson, 201 So. 31st St., Block 178, Lot 6,Use variance and 1�side yard variance with amended site plan and waiver approval for additional equiptment.�

A motion to approve this resolution was made by Mr. Sica, 2nd by Mr. Pugliese.� All in favor:� Mr. Pugliese, Mr. Sica, and Mr. Cuppari.

Note:� As mayors� designee, Mr. Cammarota cannot be board chairman for Use Variance applications.� Mr. Tripodi requested a nomination for a temporary chairman.� Mr. Pugliese was nominated as the temporary chairman for this� meeting.

Since a representative for Application #7-10, Ross Brothers, is not present at the meeting, the Board decided to hear Application #8-10, Sprint/Nextel at this time.

New Business:Application #8-10 & #319, Sprint/Nextel, RE: Bramson, 201 S. 31st St., Block 178, Lot 6. Site Plan and Variance, Upgrade existing wireless facility & sideyard setback.

Mr. Frank Ferraro is the attorney representing Sprint.� He stated the current 150� monopole and four equiptment cabinets were previously approved in 2006.

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� A use variance, a height variance, and a sideyard setback variance are needed to upgrade this existing facility.� Three additional dish antennas are proposed.� The applicants� planner will present the details to the board.� Photo simulations were marked as exhibits.

Sworn in:� Mr. Anthony Barile, Jr., engineer, representing Sprint.� He stated Sprint was previously approved for installation of six antennas.� There are presently two equiptment cabinets in the compound around the monopole. A third cabinet is proposed.� Three panel antennas are there presently, and three more antennas (dish) are proposed; the dish antennas will be installed under the existing antennas.� This is an unmanned facility, and no additional lights and sinage are proposed.� As a �condition of resolution� the debris around this facility must be cleaned up and maintained.� Metro complied with a prior resolution (at this site); cleaned the area, and planted hedge shrubs.

Note:� At this point, Mr.� Tripodi requested the Board address the matter of

Application #7-10, Ross Brothers, LLC, 104 No. 10th St., Block 60, Lot 3, Expansion of bar into basement, Existing, non-conforming use in I zone.

Since a representative of Ross Brothers did not come to the meeting, Mr. Pugliese suggested the hearing for this application be extended to the November 18, 2010 meeting.� A number of neighbors attended this meeting, and Mr. O�Brien instructed the public to call the Building Department to confirm this decision.� The recording secretary announced the Building Department phone number.

At this point, the meeting concerning Sprint/Nextel resumes.� An emissions control report was submitted.�����������

Sworn in:� Farid Mareouh, radio frequency engineer.� He said a high-speed wireless Broadband currently does not exist at this facility.� Sprint wants to upgrade by installing new dish antennas.� The landlines do not have the capacity to accommodate the latest technology.� Sprint cannot continue to provide high-speed wireless service with the present antennas.� There are three surrounding wireless facilities in Union, Roselle, and Cranford.� These links will replace the traditional copper connections.� The dish antennas beam about 1.6 miles, using low wattage.

Mr. O�Brien stated there will still be usable area left on the monopole.� Metro has a lower elevation at this site.�

Three new panel antennas and three dish antennas are proposed.

Sworn in:� Ronald Reinertsen, licensed planner.� He stated the Use variances requested satisfy both the positive and negative criteria (to promote the general welfare and proper land use).� There is very little impact on the surrounding area.�

Mr. O�Brien, Board Planner, suggested as conditions of approval the following:� no additional lighting and no additional sinage.� Also, they must clean-up the area, and a structural analysis must be given to the engineer.

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�Mr. O�Brien asked if the cabinets and monopole are sufficiently protected.� Mr. Ferraro said the cabinets are locked and a barbed wire fence is not favored.� The tower is electronically monitored.� Mr. Reinertson said the climbing pegs begin higher up on the pole.�

Mr. O�Brien summed up the variances requested.� This is a D-2 use variance for the expansion of a non-conforming use.� The proposed antennas are 150� high, which requires a height Use variance.� An additional side yard setback variance of� 3� (4� exists)

is requested.� Mr. O�Connor said positive drainage calculations should be submitted to the building department.� He added the clean-up and maintenance of the area should be included.

A motion to approve this application to resolution, with the conditions of the Board Planner, was made by Mr.� Cuppari, 2nd by Mr. Sica.� All in favor:� Mr. Sica, Mr. Pugliese, Mr. Manee, Mr. Murphy, and Mr. Cuppari.

Comments for the Good of the Board�� Mr. O�Brien told the Board Members he sent out the new Master Plan via e-mail a few days ago.� He asked them to review it, and, if they have any comments or questions, they should call or e-mail him by November first.� Possibly, by the December work session or the December 16, 2010 meeting, the Master Plan may be ready for finalization.

Comments from the Public:There were no comments.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet M. Murphy,

Planning Board Recording Secretary

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